This is not going to be love for me. This is not going to be love for me. 

I'm a copywriter, content specialist and art school alumni with over 4 years of experience in copywriting and creating online content, I love being involved in the entire process of content creation. From strategy, concepts and sketches to optimization of copy and content on websites, apps and social media. I have experience with voice and tone design, content strategy, creating content calendars, SEO, storytelling, online campaigns, social media ads, design sprints and more.

I'm a copywriter, content specialist and art school alumni with over 4 years of experience in copywriting and creating online content, I love being involved in the entire process of content creation. From strategy, concepts and sketches to optimization of copy and content on websites, apps and social media. I have experience with voice and tone design, content strategy, creating content calendars, SEO, storytelling, online campaigns, social media ads, design sprints and more.

I'm a copywriter, content specialist and art school alumni with over 4 years of experience in copywriting and creating online content, I love being involved in the entire process of content creation. From strategy, concepts and sketches to optimization of copy and content on websites, apps and social media. I have experience with voice and tone design, content strategy, creating content calendars, SEO, storytelling, online campaigns, social media ads, design sprints and more.

Een Dialoog Nina Vossen 3

Een Dialoog

Concrete poetry, zelf-gepubliceerd, 20 pages, design gemaakt door Sijing Zhang, 2014. 

Hieronder staan een paar foto's van het boekje, maar ze tonen niet het volledige werk.

Bekijk mijn andere projecten

Ik heb aan meerdere eigen projecten gewerkt. Bijvoorbeeld Toen ik ontwaakte was iedereen duizend stappen verder, Dutch landscapes en Dagboek van een fotograaf. Bekijk ze eens!